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The Art of Living - Issue #14

Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.
— Plato

Music has power, and we can use it to our advantage.

For instance…

A song has the power to drastically improve my mood in just minutes. When I’m in a funk I’ll force myself to take a break and listen to one of my favorites. The resulting shift in my demeanor is remarkable.

A concert has the power to bring people together and create lasting memories. They’ve become one of my favorite tools when it comes to maintaining close and rewarding friendships with the people who are important to me.

A songwriter can leverage the medium to convey powerful messages to devoted fans. Just check out the lyrics from a few of my favorite songs below.

Be intentional about finding your music, then use its power to your advantage.

Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours.
— Elton John

You say you want to change this world
Well, you must really believe in magic
Stand up and show them who you are
Don't sit around and complain about it

I know, I’m a mess at the moment
But so is the ocean
And it still makes waves

I work hard (damn right), I get bored (sometimes)
Do it big (all night), still want more
We ain't made to have it made
So what I'm trying to say, what I'm trying to say
(What I'm trying to say)

Is you gotta grow
Love yourself and be kind, water your soul
Celebrate, find your light
It don't matter who you are, where you're going, young or old
We all know, yeah, we all know
Is you gotta grow

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