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The Art of Living - Issue #13

18 summers.

That’s the most one can ever hope to spend with their children. When we’re in the heat of the moment time moves slowly. It may not be until many years later that we realize how quickly those precious summers passed. Singer-songwriter Kenny Chesney may have said it best; Don’t blink.

I was first introduced to this concept by my friend and author, Jim Shiels, when we met at a workshop last year. Jim wrote the book (literally) when it comes to creating lasting connection with your children during the relatively short period of time we are afforded.

It is easily my most gifted book of 2019.

Why? The combination of perspective in regards to the time I have remaining with my daughters while they are still young and Jim’s Family Board Meeting methodology has made a tremendous impact on my relationship with my children. I sincerely hope that someday they will look back with appreciation for the time they spent with their parents as a result of this revelation.

There is nothing more important than the relationships we create in our lives, especially with our children. When we strengthen those ties, we create a happier, more fulfilling life.
— Jim Shiels

If this concept resonates with you be sure to check out the 18 Summers Facebook group where both Jim and the community share their stories and best practices!

Further Reading

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